Fun Stuff!
This is my monthly newsletter page. Be sure to check back frequently
for new information.
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Quote of the Month
I gave, I have; what I spent, I had; what I kept, I lost."
Old Epitaph
of the month
Spinach Bread ~
Perfect to take
to any gathering
1 package frozen spinach
1 red onion
5 peeled, chopped garlic cloves
1 TBSP Olive Oil
TBSP Parmesean Cheese
4 TBSP Sun Dried Tomatoes
1 Package of frozen bread dough
or see dough recipe.
Prepare Dough or if using fresh or frozen
dough let thaw and let rise until dough doubles in size.
1. Place olive oil, and chopped onion in
frying pan and cook for 3 minutes. Add Garlic and cook 1 more
2. Add frozen spinach to pan and cook 5-10
minutes, until cooked. Add Salt & Pepper to taste
3. Set aside spinach mixture while you
roll out your dough to 1/2 inch thick. Place dough on a oil-sprayed
cookie sheet.
4. Put spinach mixture on the center of
the dough and spread it out.
5.Sprinkle Sun Dried Tomatoes & Parmesean
Cheese and fold dough over as pictured.
6. Cook in a pre-heated oven, 350°,
for 20 -25 minutes.
1 cup lukewarm water, 1 TBSP Olive Oil, 1 Packet Yeast, 1and 1/2
cup Spelt Flour
Mix water, olive oil and yeast. Add the flour and mix, you
can add more flour a little at a time if
you feel the dough is too moist. Let the dough rise in a bowl
with a moist towel over it until the
dough has doubled in size. It is then ready to make spinach bread.
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of the month:
into ribcage Exhale &
Zip |
This month we are focusing on zipping.
A techinique
I use to engage the abdominals and deep pelvic
floor muscles to their fullest. This technique I
use every waking moment.
- Trains the abdominals to work
in a more
functional manner.
- Strengthens the abdominals and
- Therapeutic for preventing and
treating back
to Zip:
(Always be sure to
check with your Dr before performing this or any other new exercise
especially if you have heart problems, high or low blood pressure,
neck problems or are pregnant)
1. Sit or stand comfortably with your spine
lengthened and your shoulders relaxed.
2. Place your thumbs on your lower ribs
and your middle fingers on your hip bones (aka your ASIS).
3. When you inhale breathe into the sides
of your lower ribcage.
4. When you exhale you will zip your thumb
and middle finger closer to each other on each side of your body
as you engage all the muscles of your abdomen and pelvic floor.
To do this think of engaging all the muscles of your deep pelvic
floor and pull them in and up. So you will be pulling the pubic
bone slighting in & up, the hip bones slightly in & up
and the lower ribcage will be pulling in.
5.The end result is similar to the movement
you would do if someone was to punch you in the stomach. That
tightening sensation.
6. As you zip it's important to remember
that there is no movement in the spine, so in other words you
are not pelvic tilting and you are not rounding the shoulders
at all. The spine stays long.
7. After you have the idea of zipping try
to hold the zip and continue to breath. Ultimately, you should
be zipping every waking moment. You will feel your posture improve,
your abdominal strength improve and you will feel a difference
in everything you do; walking, sitting, running, carrying things,
8. Zipping can change your life if you
let it.
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Things that I Love and Recommend:
~ Eryka Badu "World Wide Underground"
A great groove from beginning
to end.
Book ~ Olive
the Other Reindeerby Vivian Walsh
My favorite Christmas book about a little dog named Olive
who thinks she's "Olive, the other reindeer."
Something to Think About:
can you give that will bring joy into the life of another today?
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1 Fun Stuff click here - (Banana Fuate`, Triangle Pose)
Volume 2 Fun Stuff click here -
(Pumpkin Pudding, Bridge Pose, Gratitude)
Volume 3 Fun Stuff click here -
(Hummus, Downward Dog, Who are you today?)
Volume 4 Fun Stuff click here -
(Spinach Ravioli w/ Marinara Sauce, Plank, Goals)
Volume 5 Fun Stuff click here
- (Tofu Lettuce Wraps, Boat Pose, Do what you love)
Volume 6 Fun Stuff click here
- (Chocolate Chip Cookies, Forward Bend, Clutter)
Volume 7 Fun Stuff click here
- (Summer Salad, Bow Pose, "Food" in your food)
Volume 8 Fun Stuff click here
- (Quinoa Pilaf, Forward Bend, Your character)
Volume 9 Fun Stuff click here
- (Berry Muffins, Bound Angle Pose, Sight)
Volume 10 Fun Stuff click
here - (Cinnamon Ginger Tea, 1/2 Lord of the Fishes Pose, Gratitude)
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