Fun Stuff!
This is my monthly newsletter page. Be sure to check back frequently
for new information.
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on events and happenings. . .
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Quote of the Month
what you love & Joy will pour out of every ounce of
your being."
Heidi P
of the month
~ Garlic
Spinach with Tomato Sauce~
1 large can Crushed Tomatoes
2 TBSP chopped garlic
1 Package frozen Spinach
1tsp Italian Seasoning
Salt & Pepper to taste
1 TBSP Parmesean for sprinkling
Cook chopped garlic and 2 TBSP Crushed
Tomatoes over Medium heat 3 minutes.
Add frozen spinach, stirring to break up frozen spinach.
Cook 5-10 minutes, until spinach is thawed.
Add Crushed Tomatoes and Italian seasoning, stir and cook until
Add salt and pepper sparingly. Sprinkle with Parmesean before
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of the month:
Bent Knee Side
Angle Pose
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
- Stretches the hips, back, shoulders
& chest.
- Improves Digestion & Elimination.
- Strengthens the gluts & shoulder
How to do this pose:
(Always be sure to
check with your Dr before performing this or any other new exercise
especially if you have heart problems, high or low blood pressure,
neck problems or are pregnant)
Stand with your spine lengthened and your shoulders relaxed.
Inhale & step your right foot
forward and bend your right knee as you place the left hand on
the floor under the left shoulder and reach the right arm overhead.
Slide the shoulders downward towards your hips to create space
between your shoulders and ears. Gently rotate through the pelvis,
spine, ribs and shoulders.
Allow the left leg to straighten and with your left heel lifted
off the floor and your feet parallel, lengthen your left leg all
the way through the left heel. Breathe each breath in through
the nose and visualize the breath traveling all through the left
hip and out through the heel & through the right shoulder
and fingertips.
When you are ready to come out of
this pose, place the hands on the right thigh and gently lift
the torso up to center. Switch sides.
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Things that I Love and Recommend:
CD ~ Prince - Musicology
An incredible Cd from an
incredible talent. A must have for your music collection.
You can get this CD free when you go to see Prince live
on the Musicology tour. It is also sold in stores.
Book ~ The Da Vinci Code
by Dan Brown
A powerful page turning novel that is laced with religious
and artistic facts. You will be researching the info that
you find in this book for years.
Something to Think About:
the Moon, come out from behind the clouds and Shine.
What talent have
you been hiding?
Share your gift
with the world. There is no gift too big or too small. Let your
talent shine!
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1 Fun Stuff click here - (Banana Fuate`, Triangle Pose)
Volume 2 Fun Stuff click here -
(Pumpkin Pudding, Bridge Pose, Gratitude)
Volume 3 Fun Stuff click here -
(Hummus, Downward Dog, Who are you today?)
Volume 4 Fun Stuff click here -
(Spinach Ravioli w/ Marinara Sauce, Plank, Goals)
Volume 5 Fun Stuff click here
- (Tofu Lettuce Wraps, Boat Pose, Do what you love)
Volume 6 Fun Stuff click here
- (Chocolate Chip Cookies, Forward Bend, Clutter)
Volume 7 Fun Stuff click here
- (Summer Salad, Bow Pose, "Food" in your food)
Volume 8 Fun Stuff click here
- (Quinoa Pilaf, Forward Bend, Your character)
Volume 9 Fun Stuff click here
- (Berry Muffins, Bound Angle Pose, Sight)
Volume 10 Fun Stuff click
here - (Cinnamon Ginger Tea, 1/2 Lord of the Fishes Pose, Gratitude)
Volume 11 Fun Stuff click
here - (Spinach Bread, Zipping, Giving)
Volume 12 Fun Stuff click
here - ( Pear Leek Bisque, Crescent Pose, Positivity)
Volume 13 Fun Stuff click
here - (Chicken w/eggplant, Prayer Twist, The YOU you want to
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